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About Us

"Infants and children can develop glaucoma, and they will become blind unless they receive the specialized treatment they need. The GL Foundation is prepared to help both parents and eye specialists to ensure these children receive the best possible care." — Dr. Alana Grajewski, Founder and Director, GL Foundation

Our Mission:

  • Our mission is to prevent vision loss in children with glaucoma. To support that mission, we offer programs that help children with glaucoma receive the best care possible.
  • We ASSIST AND ADVOCATE– to ensure every child with glaucoma gains access to specialized care.
    We COLLABORATE– by joining together childhood glaucoma experts & engaging the power of sharing ideas, knowledge, & resources to promote progress, advance research, & improve outcomes.
  • We EDUCATE– by providing an online resource center where parents can find support, information, tools, and education related to childhood glaucoma.

For children with glaucoma, HELP is HERE, and HOPE is in SIGHT.

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